ACTIcat, AI Gamified Sport Coach (AIGC) in your pocket

Meet ACTIcat..

ACTIcat is a friendly, adaptable and engaging AI Sport Coach, especially for younger athletes and users. The playful AIGC character design can make the learning and training process feel more enjoyable, less intimidating and superior to Human Coaches in realtime data analysis, race day strategy, tailoring and adjusting training plans, and not kidding – personal neutrality, empathy and regular feedback.

Understanding AIGC’s

AIGC’s can see and hear you – how you train, interact with you, coach you (create personalized training plans, meal plans, set goals, and provide other related care) and reward you with monetary incentives ($ACTI) to motivate you with daily workouts and guide you to sport perfection!

Why cat? Human-like robots can sometimes fall into the “uncanny valley,” where they appear almost human but have subtle differences that make them unsettling. A virtual cat character avoids this issue entirely by embracing a clearly non-human appearance that is universally appealing and non-threatening. Many people have a natural affinity towards animals, particularly cats. This can create a sense of companionship and motivation, making the coaching experience more pleasant.

ACTIcat can be given a distinctive personality that can be tailored to suit various age groups, sports and training styles, making the AI more adaptable to different user needs.

Athletes may develop an emotional connection with a cute and friendly AIGC, enhancing their commitment to the training program. This connection can lead to increased motivation and adherence to the coaching regimen.

Never be boring…

Unlike the competition with remote fitness coaches aggregators like Fittr or ML-driven endurance training apps like PKRS.AI and Enduco, our gamified training app revolutionizes omni-sport athletic training with AI coaches, using deep learning, decision intelligence, tokenized incentives (also managed by AI) and sport-domain pre-trained LLM.

AIGC’s are always on duty. By implementing GAP (Grade Adjusted Pace) models and robust speech recognition, AIGC’s can create highly adaptive, personal training plans for non-pro athletes, keeping their unique goals, fitness levels, and progress in mind. It gives a more accurate reflection of an athlete’s efforts and guides their training effectively via gamified training blocks. AIGC’s are constantly learning from athletes using realistic NLP engine and by processing athlete’s health data coming from various sources such as Strava, Google Fit, Garmin Health, etc.


  • Are adjustable virtual characters;
  • Predicts and monitors athlete’s performance;
  • Analyzes physical/mental state;
  • Provides motivated personalized feedback during training blocks
  • Constantly adjusts training plan to rise the goals;
  • Monitors endurance, tempo, threshold, V02Max and anaerobic parameters;
  • Manages monetary rewards after training completion.

AIGC’s will soon outperform Human Coaches and here is why:

Data Analysis. Human Coach is lack in data analysis: One of AI’s strong suits is the ability to analyze large sets of data in record time. Unlike human coaches, AI can assess, process, and produce insights from complex health data, augmenting the decision-making process.

Availability. Human Coach is lack in 24×7 on demand availability: AI coaches are not restricted by time zones, schedules, or personal commitments. They are available 24/7, providing constant assistance and feedback when required. AI coaches are always on duty.

Consistency. Human Coaches are poor in consistency. AI algorithms don’t suffer from typical human bias or mood swings. It will also provide consistent processes based on coaching we train it on. This leads to consistency in coaching, maintaining an unchanging standard of coaching quality.

Long-term tracking. Human Coach definitely looses to AI with athlete’s long-term tracking even using data-rich apps. Tracking progress over extended periods can be challenging for humans. AI, on the other hand, excels in this area, continuously monitoring and adjusting the learning path.

Scalability is not strong side of Human Coaches. AI coaches can accommodate athletes simultaneously, something impossible for individual human coaches. Or at least the vast majority.

Seamless Learning Adaptation. AI has the ability to personalize learning paths based on each athletes needs, adapting in real-time according to latest learnings from coaching and learning sessions. Our AI-learning program constantly improves AI coaches to be superior and adaptive.

Personal Neutrality. Human Coaches are not attentive to athletes, even training groups are overcrowded: AI offers unbiased coaching, unaffected by personal biases or emotions that could cloud a human coach’s judgment. AI coaches are created to motivate athletes to obtain better results.

Access & Affordability. AI coaching tools are often more accessible and affordable than human coaches, allowing a broader range of athletes to benefit from professional coaching.

TCO. Unfortunately, AI win Humans in economic value. The average cost of one-hour training with tennis coach in US is about $100. AI coaches time is 100 times cheaper compared to Human Coaches. We create AI coaches in different sports that will cost about $20 per month in total and allows to build healthy habits and achieve better workouts performance to everyone.

Actiq generally aims to incentivize fitness and sport, helping to reduce obesity and sedentariness, and giving users an opportunity to reinforce dopaminergic reward system by using tokenized incentives precisely controlled by AI for improving their performance. Indeed, researchers recently found that improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness lead to a significant reduction in all-cause and disease-specific mortality, with an individual’s maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) being strongly correlated with their life expectancy.

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